Monday, September 6, 2010

Hostage Drama Led by a Top Police

A hostage crisis that took place near Quirino Grandstand in Manila becomes one of the most shocking events that happened in the Philippines wherein a dismissed policeman armed with a rifle hostage a bus with 25 people on board, mostly Hongkong tourists.

‘The hostage taker’

Former police inspector Rolando Mendoza who has been removed in service for allegedly extorting 20,000 from a hotel chef two years ago hijacked a bus and took the Hongkong tourists as hostage. He said that no one will be killed unless his demands will be heard. Mendoza was shot dead by a sniper at past 9pm.


The hostage drama began at 10:15am when Mendoza hitched a ride on the bus after the Hongkong tourists visited Fort Santiago in Intramuros, according to Senior Supt. Fidel Posadas, MPD deputy chief. After boarding the bus, Mendoza instructed the bus driver namely Antonio Lubang to proceed in front of Quirino Grandstand where he announced to the passengers that they will be taken hostage. Later that afternoon, Mendoza released two women, three children, a man and three Filipinos.

‘Mendoza’s demands’

Earlier that day, Mendoza demand some food for the hostages and a fuel so that the air conditioning of the bus will not be stopped. He also demanded that he be back from the police force. Apart from the reinstatement, Mendoza demanded that his son be brought to Manila. According to SPO Gregorio Mendoza, brother of the hostage taker Rolando Mendoza that his brother is very upset by his dismissal from the police force. The problem was he was unjustly removed from service. There was no due process, hearing and complaint. Gregorio also helped in the negotiation but was later on arrested because they thought that he is an accessory to his brother’s action.

‘Media coverage’

Live footages that were taken on the hostage crisis led by Rolando Mendoza were criticized by many people. This included blow-by-blow coverage of Mendoza’s brother being arrested by the police was seen by the hostage taker himself which may be the reason why he started shooting at some hostages inside the bus. According to some critics, media has done lapses on covering the hostage crisis because they were aware that the hostage taker were monitoring the situation through the television and radio.

Hostage Drama Led by a Top Police

A hostage crisis that took place near Quirino Grandstand in Manila becomes one of the most shocking events that happened in the Philippines wherein a dismissed policeman armed with a rifle hostage a bus with 25 people on board, mostly Hongkong tourists.

‘The hostage taker’

Former police inspector Rolando Mendoza who has been removed in service for allegedly extorting 20,000 from a hotel chef two years ago hijacked a bus and took the Hongkong tourists as hostage. He said that no one will be killed unless his demands will be heard. Mendoza was shot dead by a sniper at past 9pm.


The hostage drama began at 10:15am when Mendoza hitched a ride on the bus after the Hongkong tourists visited Fort Santiago in Intramuros, according to Senior Supt. Fidel Posadas, MPD deputy chief. After boarding the bus, Mendoza instructed the bus driver namely Antonio Lubang to proceed in front of Quirino Grandstand where he announced to the passengers that they will be taken hostage. Later that afternoon, Mendoza released two women, three children, a man and three Filipinos.

‘Mendoza’s demands’

Earlier that day, Mendoza demand some food for the hostages and a fuel so that the air conditioning of the bus will not be stopped. He also demanded that he be back from the police force. Apart from the reinstatement, Mendoza demanded that his son be brought to Manila. According to SPO Gregorio Mendoza, brother of the hostage taker Rolando Mendoza that his brother is very upset by his dismissal from the police force. The problem was he was unjustly removed from service. There was no due process, hearing and complaint. Gregorio also helped in the negotiation but was later on arrested because they thought that he is an accessory to his brother’s action.

‘Media coverage’

Live footages that were taken on the hostage crisis led by Rolando Mendoza were criticized by many people. This included blow-by-blow coverage of Mendoza’s brother being arrested by the police was seen by the hostage taker himself which may be the reason why he started shooting at some hostages inside the bus. According to some critics, media has done lapses on covering the hostage crisis because they were aware that the hostage taker were monitoring the situation through the television and radio.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

A Student Now...A Teacher in the Future...

Some says that poverty is one of the major cause why people lack in education. In my case, I do not believe in this statement, why?Because I myself experienced poverty.
I grew up in a family who is not well-off in life. I even remember in the past that we do not have enough money to buy food so we ended up borrowing money from other people. Sometimes, me and my brothers also went to school without “baon”. But despite this hardships that we suffer in life, my parents made ways to give us education. That experiences inspired me that I should finish my studies.
Knowing that my parents could not afford to send me to college when I graduated in high school, I decided to work for the meantime and help them. But even though I’m working, I find time to look for schools who offers scholarships. Luckily, it was in 2007, when I tried to enter as a working scholar at the university of the Cordilleras and I passed. This gave me hope to continue my studies and have a better future.
As a working scholar, I can say that studying at the same time working is not that easy. But through hardwork and dedication, I will be able to graduate.One more thing that gave me inspiration is my family especially my mom who passed away last November 2008. When she’s still alive and at the hospital, the last words that she told me is to finish my studies. That is why when I encounter problems and thought of giving up, I always remember what my mom says.My father who is with us is also very supportive both to me and to my brother who is also a working scholar at the University of Baguio.He always remind us to study hard so that we will have a better life in the future.
Next year, I will be graduating and I’m looking forward also to my future plans like of course passing the board exam for professional teachers for me to be a licensed teacher and share my knowledge to my future students, pursue higher education and support my family. If I will be lucky, I also dream of putting up my own school not necessarily a big school but what is important is I will be able to share knowledge and help others to experienced education.
So when other people will asked me will I be able to graduate?I’m confident to say, YES I CAN!!

A Student Now…..A Teacher in the Future

Some says that poverty is one of the major cause why people lack in education. In my case, I do not believe in this statement, why?Because I myself experienced poverty.
I grew up in a family who is not well-off in life. I even remember in the past that we do not have enough money to buy food so we ended up borrowing money from other people. Sometimes, me and my brothers also went to school without “baon”. But despite this hardships that we suffer in life, my parents made ways to give us education. That experiences inspired me that I should finish my studies.
Knowing that my parents could not afford to send me to college when I graduated in high school, I decided to work for the meantime and help them. But even though I’m working, I find time to look for schools who offers scholarships. Luckily, it was in 2007, when I tried to enter as a working scholar at the university of the Cordilleras and I passed. This gave me hope to continue my studies and have a better future.
As a working scholar, I can say that studying at the same time working is not that easy. But through hard work and dedication, I will be able to graduate.One more thing that gave me inspiration is my family especially my mom who passed away last November 2008. When she’s still alive and at the hospital, the last words that she told me is to finish my studies. That is why when I encounter problems and thought of giving up, I always remember what my mom says.My father who is with us is also very supportive both to me and to my brother who is also a working scholar at the University of Baguio.He always remind us to study hard so that we will have a better life in the future.
Next year, I will be graduating and I’m looking forward also to my future plans like of course passing the board exam for professional teachers for me to be a licensed teacher and share my knowledge to my future students, pursue higher education and support my family. If I will be lucky, I also dream of putting up my own school not necessarily a big school but what is important is I will be able to share knowledge and help others to experienced education.
So when other people will asked me will I be able to graduate?I’m confident to say, YES I CAN!!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Technology - a plus factor in Education!

“The technology itself is not transformative. It’s the school, the pedagogy, that is transformative.” - Tanya Byron

Our society today becomes reliant on technology for so many things: staying in touch with family, online research, researching simple questions couldn’t be done today without our technological resources.As education prepares students to be productive members of the society, educational institutions must pay more attention than ever before to information technology. Technology combined with education, prepares you to teach technical skills to students of all ages and levels. Now what is information technology? Information technology is defined as “the development, design, study, implementation and management of computer related information,” For us to analyze the importance of information technology in education, the benefits to teachers and students should be given attention.

Using technology in education can be a great benefit for teachers. They can use technology to spread information to their students such as, class schedules, assignments, or even notes discussed in the previous lessons. The technology may also become a way to teachers to collaborate with one another and have the ability to work together for the betterment of the students. With the use of technology, teachers may also acquire new skills to improve their teaching abilities. Technology makes it possible for teachers to reach more students allowing them to be competent and knowledgeable in the future.

Technology when used inside the classroom can be used as a motivational tool that brings a great impact on their attitudes when it comes to learning. Through technology, students are able to experience situations that a student in the past or even in the future may only just imagine. Using technology in education provides them advanced information which is not yet published in books. It has also been proven that technology helps students achieve in reading, writing and arithmetic. Most of all, students with special needs and disabilities have been able to achieve ways which are not possible. Also those students who didn’t finish high school or college can now be free to continue their education with the help of technology.

Let’s take a look at the roles of technology in learning (according to Jonassen). First, technology serves as tools to support knowledge construction. This represents learners, ideas, understandings and beliefs and also producing organized, multimedia knowledge bases of learners. Second, technology as information vehicles for exploring knowledge to support learning-by-constructing. In here, technology access needed information and compares perspectives, beliefs and world views. Third, technology as context to support learning-by-doing. Technology represents and simulates meaningful real world problems, situations and context. It also represents perspectives, arguments and stories of others and defines a safe, controllable problem space for student thinking. Fourth, technology as a social medium to support learning by conversing. This helps in collaborating with others, discussing, arguing and building consensus among members of a community. Lastly, technology as intellectual partner to support learning-by-reflecting. For helping learners to articulate and represent what they know and for reflecting on what they have learned and how they came to know it.

According to research, when technology is used effectively it indicates increased in students learning, understanding and achievement but also augments motivation to learn, encourages collaborative learning and supports the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Also, proper implementation of technology in the classroom gives students more control of their own learning and tends to move classrooms from teacher-dominated environments to ones that are more learner-centered.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Tomorrows Teacher!

What makes me think of becoming a teacher in the future? Do I possess the qualities that a good teacher may have? Can I bear the responsibilities that may come in the future if I chose to become a teacher? This is just some of the questions that I have asked myself before I chose Education as my course. But how do we define teacher? First, a teacher is a person who provides schooling for others. Another is that a teacher is simply a person who informs students about "necessary information”. But for me a teacher is an angel who makes difference to the lives of their students. They bear the heavy responsibility of molding the minds of their students. They become the role model of this nation. Their desire to change lives is somewhat one of a good quality that a future teacher must possess. There are other good qualities that a future teacher may have; one is that she must have a purpose. She must first consider the needs of her students because whatever will be her decisions, the outcome will still affect her students. Second, she must learn to communicate. My own teacher once told us that as a teacher, we must not just stand in front and go on with the lesson. Instead you must create a good atmosphere wherein there is what we call collaboration between the teacher as well as the student. Oftentimes, we fear standing in front of the class but as a future teacher, we must learn to deal with that fear and instead build our confidence. Lastly, a teacher must also work with the students, as what I have said earlier; there must be collaboration between the teacher and the student. Remember that you as a teacher also serve as a motivation to your students. We all know that teaching may not make a person rich, but somehow you are helping improve the minds of the future generations. If there is a desire to be a teacher in the future, we must always remember that we have a great impact to the lives of our future students and that to be an educator is one of the most important professions in the world!